Writing a text that makes a man want you takes a particular skill. This text should make your man feel good, and he should know that it comes from your heart, not anyone else’s. here are some tips on How to Keep a Guy Interested Over Text.

It must stand out from the crowd, which means it cannot be too generic, and he must not believe it could have been written by anyone other than you.
Unfortunately, if you don’t do that, the conversation won’t go anywhere, won’t lead to anything, and won’t entice him to want more from you.

A text message like the one you need to send can be tricky, which is why you should consider Text Chemistry, a best-selling eBook from communication expert Amy North that contains details and advice on all things text messages to make you even more desirable and leave him shaking with obsession.

You must first make him happy to send a successful text that will keep him wanting more from you.

Begin by complimenting him on how he looked the last time you saw him; men need to hear a compliment now and then to show that you care about how he looks and the effort that was put in.

Tell him how you feel about him! There’s no point in sending any text that doesn’t allow for that because he needs to know this and whether those feelings are reciprocated.

Once that’s established, you can have some fun with the following texts by leaving little “fill in the blanks” on what he does to make you happy—let his imagination run wild!

Those messages will ensure that your man is never bored, that your attention is solely on him, and that his imagination and desires are aroused.

Allowing him to know how good he makes you feel will let him see what he is capable of the next time you meet.

Sending a naughty text here and there will keep him thinking about you and wanting more throughout the day, which is precisely what you want.

Keep your texts short and simple; the last thing you want to do is bore him or go overboard.

If he responds with little information or short answers, he has lost interest in the meaning you were attempting to convey.

Please keep your messages brief but to the point, leaving him wanting more of you so he can express his gratitude when you meet again.

You have to show him positively if he asks for clarification when you meet.

Be bold and take the initiative, but remember that you must be able to back up your words with actions, or you’ll end up in a hot mess!

It is just as important to know when to end a texting conversation as it is to start one. The key to this is not ending the conversation altogether but leaving him wanting to know a little more.

The best way to keep him wondering and intrigued is to keep him wanting and needing more.

When sending these messages, always be yourself. The last thing you want is for him to get to know someone who doesn’t exist; he’ll figure it out eventually, and all your hard work and time will be wasted.

Now that you know what messages to send and how to send them, take charge and let him know how you feel when you’re apart, especially when you’re together.

It’s critical to keep him interested via texts and leave him wanting more until you’re together in person.

Messages don’t have to be boring by taking too long to get to the point; keep them short and to the point, and always let him know how you make him feel.

Learn more about Amy North’s best-selling book Text Chemistry” to discover the #1 text that leaves a man shaking with desire and obsession!

John Maxwell
John Maxwell

As the Editor in Chief/author/ at CBExpertReview.com, John Maxwell helps readers learn about the various aspects of a Clickbank product through his online product review website. John researches each product in great detail, thus creating insightful reviews and providing our readers, that would be, “You,” with a  deeper understanding of various products in the marketplace.